00708864 The new book of Middle Eastern food /Claudia Roden. TX725.M628 R638 2000
61012530 The art of Persian cooking. TX725 .H427
65015415 Esquire party book,by the editors of Esquire magazine, with Scotty and Ronnie Welch. Illustrated and designed by Seymour Chwast. TX731 .E8
72174218 Kaiseki: Zen tastes in Japanese cooking.Foreword by Yasunari Kawabata. Introductions by S�oshitsu Sen [and] Seiz�o Hayashiya. Photos. by Muneori Kuzunishi [and] Yoshihiro Matsuda. Adapted by Akiko Sugawara. TX724.5.J3 T7713
73006726 A book of Middle Eastern food.Illustrated by Alta Ann Parkins. TX725.N36 R6 1974
73086144 Tassajara cooking.Introd. by Richard Baker-roshi. TX837 .B86 1973
74005312 The classic of tea.Translated and introduced by Francis Ross Carpenter and illustrated by Demi Hitz. TX415 .L813
75010772 Joy of cooking /Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker ; illustrated by Ginnie Hofmann and Ikki Matsumoto. TX715 .R75 1975
75039785 The classic Italian cook book :the art of Italian cooking and the Italian art of eating /Marcella Hazan ; drawings by George Koizumi. TX723 .H34 1976
75043312 Food in Chinese culture :anthropological and historical perspectives /edited by K.C. Chang ; contributors, Eugene N. Anderson ... [et al.]. GT2853.C6 F66
77008938 Chinese gastronomy /by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin ; with an introd. by Lin Yutang. TX724.5.C5 L55 1977
77027323 A field guide to edible wild plants of Eastern and Central North America /by Lee Peterson ; line drawings by Lee Peterson and Roger Tory Peterson ; photos. by Lee Peterson. QK98.5.U6 P47
77168851 Cosmo cookery; gourmet meals from the first drink to the last kiss. TX715 .C849
79011070 Alice, let's eat :further adventures of a happy eater /Calvin Trillin. TX737 .T74 1979
79066244 Japanese cooking :a simple art /Shizuo Tsuji, with the assistance of Mary Sutherland ; with an introd. by M. F. K. Fisher. TX724.5.J3 T836
80023103 The Indonesian kitchen /[compiled by] Copeland Marks with Mintari Soeharjo. TX724.5.I5 I56 1981
81003179 The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael. TX724.5.I4 S496 1981
82016355 Mythology & meatballs :a Greek island diary cookbook /by Daniel Spoerri ; translated by Emmett Williams ; illustrated by Jeanne Jambu ; notes by Charles Perry ; introduction by L. John Harris. TX723.5.G8 S6613 1982
82016415 The new kosher-cookbook trilogy /by Ruth and Bob Grossman. TX724 .G75 1985
82019517 Third helpings /Calvin Trillin. TX357 .T7 1983
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