$a Includes index. Food in history /Reay Tannahill. GT2850 .T34 1989
$a Includes index. It rains fishes :legends, traditions, and the joys of Thai cooking /Kasma Loha-unchit ; watercolors by Toby Goodenough ; drawings by Margaret DeJong. TX724.5.T5 L64 1994
$a Includes index. With the grain /Raymond Sokolov. TX808 .S66 1996
$a Includes index. The Chinese way :healthy low-fat cooking from China's regions = Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
$a Includes index. The Asian grocery store demystified /Linda Bladholm. TX349 .B53 1999
$a Includes index. Chinese seasons /Nina Simonds. TX724.5.C5 S589 1986
$a Includes index. Authentic Mexican :regional cooking from the heart of Mexico /Rick Bayless with Deann Groen Bayless ; illustrations by John Sandford. TX716.M4 B29 1987
$a Includes index. The food of China /E.N. Anderson. GT2853.C6 A53 1988
$a Includes index. Exotic Ethiopian cooking :society, culture, hospitality & traditions : 178 tested recipes with food composition tables /compiled and edited by Daniel J. Mesfin. TX725.E84 E96 1990
$a Includes index. A kipper with my tea :selected food essays /Alan Davidson. TX355.5 .D38 1990
$a Includes index. Charlie Trotter's vegetables /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photograph by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman. TX801 .T74 1996
$a Includes index. Art of south Indian cooking /Alamelu Vairavan and Patricia Marquardt. TX724 .V33 1997
$a Includes index. Chinese gastronomy /by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin ; with an introd. by Lin Yutang. TX724.5.C5 L55 1977
$a Includes index. Florence Lin's Complete book of Chinese noodles, dumplings and breads /Florence Lin. TX809.M17 L56 1986
$a Includes index. Thai vegetarian cooking /Vatcharin Bhumichitr. TX724.5.T5 V38 1991
$a Includes index. Classic Thai cuisine /David Thompson. TX724.5.T5 T49 1993
$a Includes index. Charlie Trotter's /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photography by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman, Ren�e-Nicole Kubin, Patricia Mowen. TX714 .T77 1994
$a Includes index. A Taoist cookbook :with meditations taken from the Laozi Daode Jing /by Michael Saso. TX724.5.C5 S27 1994
$a Includes index. The great curries of India /Camellia Panjabi. TX724.5.I4 P254 1995
$a Includes index. A field guide to edible wild plants of Eastern and Central North America /by Lee Peterson ; line drawings by Lee Peterson and Roger Tory Peterson ; photos. by Lee Peterson. QK98.5.U6 P47
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