Dakshin, vegetarian delicacies from South India /Chandra Padmanabhan. IN PROCESS (ONLINE)
Dastarkhwan-e-Awadh /Sangeeta Bhatnagar, R.K. Saxena ; foreword by Muzaffar Ali. IN PROCESS
Dian xin zhuan ji =Chinese snacks, revised /bian zhu zhe Huang Shuhui. TX740 .H78 1989
Eat not this flesh :food avoidances from prehistory to the present /Frederick J. Simoons. GT2865 .S55 1994
The eater's guide to Chinese characters /James D. McCawley. TX350 .M3 1984
Esquire party book,by the editors of Esquire magazine, with Scotty and Ronnie Welch. Illustrated and designed by Seymour Chwast. TX731 .E8
Esquire. TX731 .E8
Essentials of classic Italian cooking /by Marcella Hazan ; illustrated by Karin Kretschmann. TX723 .H342 1992
The Eternal food :gastronomic ideas and experiences of Hindus and Buddhists /edited by R.S. Khare. BL1215.F66 E84 1992
Exotic Ethiopian cooking :society, culture, hospitality & traditions : 178 tested recipes with food composition tables /compiled and edited by Daniel J. Mesfin. TX725.E84 E96 1990
Fashionable food :seven decades of food fads /Sylvia Lovegren. TX355 .L88 1995
Faye Levy's international vegetable cookbook :over 300 sensational recipes from Argentina to Zaire and artichokes to zucchini /Faye Levy. TX801 .L484 1993
Feeding China's little emperors :food, children, and social change /edited by Jun Jing. TX361.C5 F44 2000
A field guide to edible wild plants of Eastern and Central North America /by Lee Peterson ; line drawings by Lee Peterson and Roger Tory Peterson ; photos. by Lee Peterson. QK98.5.U6 P47
Florence Lin's Complete book of Chinese noodles, dumplings and breads /Florence Lin. TX809.M17 L56 1986
Food from my heart :cuisines of Mexico remembered and reimagined /Zarela Mart�nez ; foreword by Budd Schulberg. TX716.M4 M376 1992
Food in Chinese culture :anthropological and historical perspectives /edited by K.C. Chang ; contributors, Eugene N. Anderson ... [et al.]. GT2853.C6 F66
Food in history /Reay Tannahill. GT2850 .T34 1989
Food in Russian history and culture /edited by Musya Glants and Joyce Toomre. GT2853.R8 F66 1997
Food lover's guide to San Francisco. TX907.C22 S3673 1995
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