TX724.5.B93 M37 1994 The Burmese kitchen /Copeland Marks and Aung Thein.
TX724.5.B93 T35 1993 The best of Burmese cooking :under the golden pagoda /Aung Aung Taik ; design and illustrations by Clare Kossman.
TX724.5.C5 H665 1989 Fragrant Harbor taste :the new Chinese cooking of Hong Kong /Ken Hom.
TX724.5.C5 L55 1977 Chinese gastronomy /by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin ; with an introd. by Lin Yutang.
TX724.5.C5 L5944 1985 The Chinese banquet cookbook =[Chung-kuo yen hsi shu] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; drawings by Lauren Jarrett ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong.
TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997 The Chinese way :healthy low-fat cooking from China's regions = Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong.
TX724.5.C5 S27 1994 A Taoist cookbook :with meditations taken from the Laozi Daode Jing /by Michael Saso.
TX724.5.C5 S589 1986 Chinese seasons /Nina Simonds.
TX724.5.I4 A64 1994 Indian food :a historical companion /K.T. Achaya.
TX724.5.I4 B87 1993 The Raj at table :a culinary history of the British in India /David Burton.
TX724.5.I4 J3 1986 A taste of India /Madhur Jaffrey ; food photography by Christine Hanscomb ; specially commissioned location photography by Henry Wilson.
TX724.5.I4 K56 1996 A taste of Madras :a South Indian cookbook /Rani Kingman.
TX724.5.I4 M342 1996 Copeland Marks' Indian & Chinese cooking from the Himalayan Rim.
TX724.5.I4 P254 1995 The great curries of India /Camellia Panjabi.
TX724.5.I4 S496 1981 The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael.
TX724.5.I5 I56 1981 The Indonesian kitchen /[compiled by] Copeland Marks with Mintari Soeharjo.
TX724.5.J3 T7713 Kaiseki: Zen tastes in Japanese cooking.Foreword by Yasunari Kawabata. Introductions by S�oshitsu Sen [and] Seiz�o Hayashiya. Photos. by Muneori Kuzunishi [and] Yoshihiro Matsuda. Adapted by Akiko Sugawara.
TX724.5.J3 T836 Japanese cooking :a simple art /Shizuo Tsuji, with the assistance of Mary Sutherland ; with an introd. by M. F. K. Fisher.
TX724.5.K65 M37 1993 The Korean kitchen :classic recipes from the land of the morning calm /by Copeland Marks with Manjo Kim.
TX724.5.N46 N43 1996 The Nepal cookbook /Association of Nepalis in the Americas ; illustrations by Palden Choedak Oshoe.
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