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New York : M. Evans,c1994. The Burmese kitchen /Copeland Marks and Aung Thein. TX724.5.B93 M37 1994
New York : Macmillan Pub. Co., ; Food from my heart :cuisines of Mexico remembered and reimagined /Zarela Mart�nez ; foreword by Budd Schulberg. TX716.M4 M376 1992
New York : Macmillan USA,c1995. From the earth :Chinese vegetarian cooking = [Ts`ung ti ch`iu ta tzu jan : Chung-kuo shu ts`ai shih p`u] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo. TX837 .L54 1995
New York : Macmillan USA,c1997. The Chinese way :healthy low-fat cooking from China's regions = Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
New York, NY : Macmillan,c1995. Fashionable food :seven decades of food fads /Sylvia Lovegren. TX355 .L88 1995
Toronto : Maxwell Macmilan Canada ; Food from my heart :cuisines of Mexico remembered and reimagined /Zarela Mart�nez ; foreword by Budd Schulberg. TX716.M4 M376 1992
New York : Maxwell Macmillan International,c1992. Food from my heart :cuisines of Mexico remembered and reimagined /Zarela Mart�nez ; foreword by Budd Schulberg. TX716.M4 M376 1992
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New York : Morrow,c1995. True Thai :the modern art of Thai cooking /Victor Sodsook with Byron and Theresa Laursen ; photographs by E.K. Waller. TX724.5.T5 S63 1995
San Francisco : North Point Press,1990. A kipper with my tea :selected food essays /Alan Davidson. TX355.5 .D38 1990
New York : North Point Press,1996. Olives :the life and lore of a noble fruit /Mort Rosenblum. SB367 .R64 1996
Delhi : Oxford University Press,1994. Indian food :a historical companion /K.T. Achaya. TX724.5.I4 A64 1994
New York : Oxford University Press,1998. A historical dictionary of Indian food /K.T. Achaya. TX724.5.A1 A24 1998
Oxford : Oxford University Press,1999. The Oxford companion to food /Alan Davidson ; illustrations by Soun Vannithone. TX349 .D36 1999
Middlebury, Vt. : P.S. Eriksson,c1985. The new kosher-cookbook trilogy /by Ruth and Bob Grossman. TX724 .G75 1985
New York : Pantheon Books,c1986. New Chinese vegetarian cooking /Kenneth Lo. TX837 .L56 1986
New York : Penguin Books,c1996. Parsi food and customs /Bhico J. Manekshaw ; illustrations by Bindia Thapar. IN PROCESS
New York : Pharos Books,1991. Kitchen culture :fifty years of food fads /Gerry Schremp. TX645 .S36 1991
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