What print has been good at, historically, is gathering
communities of like-minded people. If you read Flying,
you're probably a private pilot. If you read Popular
Science, you probably care a lot about tomorrow. If you
read The Economist, you most likely have a business with a
global view. If you read a local newspaper, you care about
the community that newspaper covers.
Traditional publishing, however, is a one-way conversation;
the editors and advertisers tell readers what they think
the readers want to know. The Internet facilitates
multi-directional conversation -- and the people who used
to be called "readers" have discovered that they like
controlling the conversation as much as the editors and
advertisers do.
The good news is that existing media has the edge on
gathering readers -- and let's call them that because
that's what we've always called them -- because they're
already in the business of attracting them with
professionally generated content and sometimes-effective
(though always expensive) circulation marketing. The bad
news is that readers are more willing than ever to abandon
old habits and go wherever other readers similar interests
are hanging out.
The worse news is that most print media has been actively
driving away previously loyal readers, allowing them to
find other places online where compatriots lurk. You all
know -- or ought to know -- the statistics that show how
younger readers are turning to pretty much anyone other
than newspapers for their news.
Newspapers aren't dead. They just need to learn a few
lessons that their readers have been telling them for the
last 20 years or so.
By rights, a city's newspaper should own its readers. After
all, it supposedly knows the local ground better than any
other medium, provides focused local content, and through
its highly profitable Classified pages gives readers the
opportunity to talk to each other.
Craig Newmark has not so much stolen the readers and
revenues as much as he has gratefully accepted them as they
wandered away. Local newspapers failed to understand that
they are themselves the entire Town Square, where people
gather to commune, and not just the monument in the middle.
For the moment, Craigslist is mostly a marketplace for
goods and services. If you want to know what's going on in
a town, rely on the newspaper and TV.
But what happens if Craigslist begins being a weblog
aggregator -- a hub for citizen journalism? What happens if
people can turn to Craigslist for reasonably accurate and
self-correcting news and feature coverage of a town?
There's scant reason that couldn't happen: the cost is low
and there may be a critical mass of readers already there.
What happens? Game over for newspapers.
One problem is that local newspapers aren't so local
anymore. More and more, they're owned by media
conglomerates based far away, and carry mostly wire service
copy and only a scattering of real local news. It's even
worse for local radio, which doesn't even bother with
hiring local announcers anymore -- and doesn't even carry
news, now that the FCC doesn't require it.
Fortunately, there is still time. Local newspapers are
still valuable brands with long traditions of trust. But
defending that brand by building ever-higher walls is 180
degrees from the right answer. Instead, local media should
embrace the lessons of Craigslist and the weblog revolution
of citizen journalism. Let your readers join and even drive
the conversation. Let them commit to their communities by
providing and encouraging a Town Square. Newspapers need to
act locally, as though they were part of their communities,
and not mere profit centers driven from Denver or Chicago
or New York.
I'm not suggesting that newspapers simply turn over the Web
site or news pages to any random Joe. Newspapers have
editors. Use the citizen journalists as though they're
stringers. If the contributors are that interested, let
them deal with a newsdesk, answering questions, refining
the reporting. It's hard to imagine that the vast majority
of interested people could be any less skilled than some
kid six months out of J-school getting paid $16,000 to do
night cops.
Compuserve and The Source set the explosives on the news
cycle by making wire service feeds available to the public.
CNN pressed the plunger, the same way that the Six O'Clock
News detonated afternoon newspapers. Craigslist is the
bulldozer that will knock over anything still standing.
But the Internet is a wonderfully level playing field. It's
proven true over and over: Let people be part of a
community -- give them the tools and a reason to come and
stay -- and they will be yours for a long time.