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Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2000

Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2000

Just because the weather is cooler, you have no excuse to stop having fun. If you love food, laughter and good company, reserve a space on your Fall calendar for Campers' Group. We're planning some fun day and evening events and we're extending our outdoor activities with camping and cabin trips. Of course we'll still get our exercise by canoeing, day hiking, road/mountain biking with nature by our side.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448. To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


September 15-17, Fahnestock State Park, Carmel, NY
In the rugged Hudson Highlands, Fahnestock is dotted with lakes and criss-crossed by hiking trails, including a section of the Appalachian Trail. Constitution Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, run by National Audubon Society, is nearby. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 8.
Barbara Haug 718-369-1061, Brian Ribner 718-253-3063

Sunday, September 24, Heckscher State Park, East Islip, NY
Observe wildlife while you munch on that freshly, grilled vegetable sandwich and homemade coleslaw. Work off that lunch with a short hike along one of the few woodland trails, or a sand-between-toes walk along the bay. If you get bored easily bring your bicycle and ride along miles of paved roads or just sit and watch deer feeding on leaves. Unfortunately it may be too late in the season to jump off the diving board into the olympic-size pool, but you can get you wet if you so desire. Bring food for the grill and table and your desired beverage. Responsible use of alcohol is permitted in park. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 17.

Neysa Linzer 718-720-2452

October 6-9 (Columbus Day Weekend), Camping Trip, Fire Island National Seashore, Watch Hill, NY
Take in the sounds, smells and sights of this beautiful, foliage-filled 30-mile-long sand bar. If you ever wanted to walk in the sand, or get your feet wet under the stars Watch Hill is the place. If your brave enough, you can even sleep on the beach. No cars on island. Experienced campers only. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 29.

Murray Bernstein 718-638-6496 Kim Miller 718-875-0883

October 20-22, Mauch Chunk Lake Park, Jim Thorpe, PA
Red, yellow, orange and brown! Let's get out of town! Bring your mountain bikes, fishing poles, volleyballs, bat, ball and glove and, of course, hiking boots. Mountain bike on some challenging, scenic trails. There's something for everyone at this 1200-acre Park. Boat rentals are also available. Flush toilets and hot showers at bath houses. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 13.

Renee Bash 212-362-1202, Kirsten Anderson 914-923-9428

Saturday, October 28, Day Hike, Harriman State Park, Harriman, NY
Although Harriman doesn't have very high mountains, we'll take a pretty intensive climb towards Harriman's mountain peaks. Bring water, lunch, snacks and a good pair of hiking boots for this moderately-paced hike. We may still get to see some beautiful colors of Autumn leaves from the mountain ridge. Public transportation available. Meet at 10:30 A.M. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 21.

Chet Trottman 718-421-7370

Saturday, November 11, Chinese Banquet, Queens
We're going vegetarian for this evening dinner. But meat lovers should not shy away. We promise you'll be full at the end of the multi-course meal. Bring some good conversation, ideas for the Spring schedule and stories of interest. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 4.

David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday, November 18, Night Out, Stand-Up NY Comedy Club, Manhattan
Laugh, laugh, laugh the cold weather blues away. Deconstruct the deranged minds of the distinct comedians. Who knows, maybe Jerry Seinfeld will show up again as he did in the Spring. Two drink or food minimum. Limited to 20 people. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 11.
Susan Kohn 212-226-0443

December 1-3, Cabin Trip, Tyler State Park, Newtown PA
Join us for a relaxing weekend in a comfortable youth hostel in Tyler State Park. You can hike, bicycle, or ride horses. Close to New Hope and Peddler's Village. The hostel contains a large fully equipped kitchen, an old-fashioned fireplace, a modern heating system and bathrooms. $14.00 per night, limited to 15 people. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 26.

Clare & Bob Keilbach 718-358-8568

Sunday, December 17, Ice-Skating at Chelsea Piers, Manhattan
You can do it forwards, backwards, in circles, with a twist, together or alone, just come and do it. We'll meet at 11:30 at Chelsea Piers and skate the morning away. Bring skates if you have, or rent at the rink. Entrance fee is $11 adults, $8/children and $5 for skates. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 10.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

Monday, December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.

Carol Shapiro 718-258-8570

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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