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Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 1997

Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 1997

It was a glorious Summer: sunny days, little rain, and starry clear nights. But the camping season doesn't end on Labor Day. We'll camp by the Delaware in late September, in the New Jersey Pine Barrens for Columbus Day and upstate New York in late October to see the leaves at their most colorful.

We're also planning events in New York City such as a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge followed by lunch in Chinatown, a bird-watching walk in Pelham Bay Park in October and a Chinese banquet in November.

To reserve space on a trip or day event, call the leaders between Sunday and Wednesday of the previous week, before 10 PM. If you need information earlier than that, call David Levner at 718-897-1448.

To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8 or $12 if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make out your check to Campers' Group and send it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


August 29-September 1, Worthington State Forest, Columbia, NJ
Camp on a group site by the Delaware River. Swim, boat or fish right from the campsite. Hikers can climb up the Appalachian Trail to Sunfish Pond, an unspoiled glacial lake, or visit the Mohican Outdoor Center nearby. Chemical toilets by the site, flush toilets and showers in another part of the park. Limited to 30 people. NO CALLS BEFORE AUGUST 24.

Renee Bash 212-362-1202, Brian Ribner 718-253-3063

Sunday September 14, City Walk and Brunch, Brooklyn and Manhattan NY
Walk from Brooklyn Heights over the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan and share a Dim Sum brunch in Chinatown. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 7.

Carol Shapiro 718-258-8570

September 26-28, Bull's Island Recreation Area, Stockton NJ
We're camping on an island in the Delaware River. You can swim, fish, canoe, raft, kayak or tube. The Recreation Area is part of the Delaware & Raritan Canal Park which contains a 30-mile mixed use trail (hiking and biking) along an old railroad bed that parallels the Delaware & Raritan Canal. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 21.

Renato Bastos 201-304-7877 (pager), Anne Gruber 212-826-6495

Sunday October 5, Bird-watching Walk in Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, NY
Take a hike in the biggest park in the Bronx. We might see songbirds, hawks, osprey and dragonflies. Bring binoculars if you own them and a prepared lunch or food to cook on a grill. Accessible by public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 28.

Angel Cardenas 718-601-2551

October 10-13 (Columbus Day Weekend), Wharton State Forest, Hammonton, NJ
The largest park in New Jersey is in the Pine Barrens, a sandy area in which pine trees predominate and development is minimal. You can hike, bicycle, fish or canoe. Batsto Village, a restored 19th century town, is a major attraction. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 5.

Elish Sari 718-520-8584, Judith Gross 718-392-3288

October 24-26, Foliage Weekend, North/South Lake State Park, Haines Falls, NY
Surrounded by yellow, orange, gold, red and brown leaves, we'll hike, bicycle and stay warm. The Escarpment Trail that leads to Kaaterskill Falls starts in the park. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 19.

Neysa Linzer 718-815-9519 David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday November 15, Chinese Banquet, Manhattan
Join new and old friends for this annual feast marking the end of the camping season. Bring a hearty appetite and pictures of the past season's fun to share. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 9.

Susan Kohn 212-226-0443

Thursday December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.

Murray Bernstein 718-638-6496

January 2-4, Frost Valley YMCA, Oliverea, NY
Begin the new year on the right trail. Two nights lodging and 5 meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch) for $130 per person, with discounts for children. X-country skis and snowshoes provided, but bring your own ice skates. Limited to 10 people. To reserve, send a check for $130 (payable to Campers' Group) to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 30.

Cathie Carmen 718-463-2431, David Levner 718-897-1448

  Benevolent Dictator   David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Treasurer             Cathie Carmen   718-463-2431

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