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Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 1996-1997

Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 1996-1997

As I write these words, snow is already on the ground upstate. Are you going to stay in your den until the warm weather returns, or join us for outdoor fun?

We'll get warm and cozy too. Our January 25th party is in a heated apartment. See all the faces from the 1996 camping trips in person or in photos.

Looking to the future, it's important to be active and attend the annual meeting on February 2. Campers' Group is a cooperative, run by its members, and it needs your ideas.

To reserve a space on a trip, call its leaders Sunday to Wednesday of the previous week, before 10 PM. (For Frost Valley and High Peaks Base Camp, you can mail a check to reserve a space.) If you need information earlier than the date listed in the trip description, call David Levner at 718-897-1448.

To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a Campers' Group member. You can mail us your dues or pay at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family. (We accept checks made out to Campers' Group.) Send dues to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


Wednesday December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.

Murray Bernstein 718-638-6496

January 3-5, Cabin Trip, Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville, NY
Begin the new year on the right trail. Two nights lodging and 5 meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch) for $125 per person, with discounts for children. X-country skis and snowshoes provided, but bring your own ice skates. Limited to 12 people. To reserve, send a check for $125 (payable to Campers' Group) to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 22.

Neysa Linzer 800-252-4638 (pager) & David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday January 25, Winter Party, Astoria, NY
Beat the January blues with good food and good fun. Bring a dish to share. Limited to 25 Campers' Group members. Accessible by public transportion. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 19.

Judith Gross 718-392-3288

Sunday February 2, Annual Meeting, Queens, NY
Meet to plan our agenda for the coming year. How many Summer camping trips should we have in 1997? What parks should we visit? How should we attract new members? Should the annual dues remain the same? We need your opinion! Members only.

David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday February 15, Day Trip, Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz, NY
Minnewaska is the best park for x-country skiing within a 3-hour drive of New York City. Bring your own skis or rent them. Lessons available. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 9.

David Levner 718-897-1448

February 28-March 2, High Peaks Base Camp, Upper Jay, NY
All winter sports and a comfortable lodge. Nearby Lake Placid has indoor and outdoor ice-skating rinks; go to Mt. Van Hovenberg and Cascade for x-country skiing; Whiteface Mountain for downhill skiing. All equipment can be rented, and you can purchase lessons. Or explore the back country of the Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness Area. The base camp is heated and has a restaurant and bathrooms with showers. Two nights and 2 meals (Saturday and Sunday breakfast) for $44 per person. Since this trip is a long drive, try to get one or two days off at the beginning of March so you can extend your stay. To reserve, send a check for $44 (payable to Campers' Group) to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 23.

Brian Ribner 718-253-3063 & Anne Gruber 212-826-6495

  Benevolent Dictator   David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Treasurer             Cathie Carmen   718-463-2431
  Membership Database   Angel Cardenas  718-601-2551

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