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Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 2002-2003

Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 2002-2003

An early December snowstorm started the x-country skiing season early. Although the snow outside my window quickly became a grey mush, in the countryside it is still a fine white powder. We have three cabin trips planned this winter: to High Point State Park in New Jersey, to Lake Placid in the Adirondacks, and to French Creek State Park in Pennsylvania. On the first two of these trips, you'll be able to x-country ski and enjoy other winter sports. We're also getting together for a Christmas dinner, a winter party and a brunch. Please join us.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448. To go on a cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the weekend. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374. To reserve a space on our cabin trips, you should also mail your check to this address.


Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.
Hiram Jacobs 212-813-2378

January 17-20, High Point State Park, Sussex, NJ
We know High Point well from our summer camping trips. In the winter, the park has groomed x-country ski trails and ski rentals. We're staying at the High Point Country Inn because it's very close to the park. The cost is $30-50 per person per night depending on how many people you share a room with. This includes breakfast but not ski rentals. Or, since High Point is relatively close to NY City, you can join us for the day. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 17.

Joann Hawker 212-690-3795  David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday February 1, Winter Party, Brooklyn
Boogie with your friends at our annual winter party. Bring a camping story, poem or a tape, and your favorite dish to share. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 25.

Brian Ribner 718-253-3063

February 14-17, Cabin Trip, Adirondack Winter Weekend, Upper Jay, NY
Enjoy all winter sports and stay in a comfortable motel in Adirondack Park. Nearby Lake Placid has indoor and outdoor ice-skating rinks; go to Mt. Van Hovenberg and Cascade for x-country skiing; Whiteface Mountain for downhill skiing. All equipment can be rented and you can purchase lessons. Or explore the backcountry of the Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness Area. Lodging costs $23/night. To reserve, send a check for $23/night. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 14.

Claire & Bob Keilbach 718-358-8568

Sunday March 9, Annual Meeting/Brunch, Brooklyn
Let's make plans for 2003. We'll have brunch in a Brooklyn restaurant and talk about camping in the year ahead. Members only please. To thank the people who have organized our trips during the last year, the meal will be free for anyone who has led and went on a successful weekend or day trip since January 2002. NO CALLS BEFORE MARCH 2.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

March 21-23, Camping/Cabin Trip, French Creek State Park, Elverson, PA

Stay in an electric-heated cabin or a human-heated tent: your choice. The cabin has a kitchen, bathroom, shower and carpeting, but is limited to six people. There are 32 miles of hiking trails and two lakes in the park. It is near Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site. Staying in a cabin costs $45 for the weekend. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 21.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169  Barbara Haug 609-294-9872

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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