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Campers' Group Bulletin - Spring 2000

Campers' Group Bulletin - Spring 2000

Come Out, Come Out wherever you are! Winter is over. Although some of us will miss the fun we had on the snowy ski slopes and trails, we are ready to experience the rebirth of nature during our Spring adventures. If you're not ready for camping, you can slowly get into the groove by participating on our day trips, where you can meet new people and learn new things with those who share your outdoor interests. Who knows, you may even find your future husband or wife on one of our trips the way Madeleine Dorval and Glenn Moeller recently did. We send our CONGRATULATIONS and WARMEST WISHES to them on their engagement.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. All reservation checks should be mailed to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park NY 11374. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448.

To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to the address in the preceding paragraph.


March 24-26, Camping/Cabin Trip, French Creek State Park, Elverson PA
Stay in an electric-heated cabin or a human-heated tent: your choice. The cabin has a kitchen, bathroom, shower and carpeting, but is limited to six people. There are 32 miles of hiking trails and two lakes in the park. It is near Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site. Staying in a cabin costs $45 for the weekend. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 24.

Barbara Haug 718-369-1061, Kirsten Andersen 914-923-9428

Sunday, April 2, Day Hike, Harriman State Park, NY
We're going to revisit this beautiful park and enjoy the sights of Spring on a moderately-paced hike. Smell the scent of earth while trekking up and down an intermediate-level trail. Hiking boots STRONGLY recommended. Bring lunch and water. Public transportation available. Meet at 10:30 A.M. NO CALLS BEFORE MARCH 26.

Masada Disenhouse 718-638-3645, Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

April 14-16, Promised Land State Park, Canadensis PA
Camp on a peninsula jutting out into Promised Land Lake. Watch the sky for meteors (shooting stars) at Pickerel Point, a short walk from the site, or rent a canoe and tool around Promised Land Lake. The ambitious can bicycle around the lake or explore the Bruce Lake Natural Area. The rest of us will follow the self-guided nature trail around Conservation Island. Outhouses by the site, flush toilets and 50-cent hot showers in another part of the park. Quiet hours are 10 P.M. to 7 A.M. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 7.

Barbara Haug 718-369-1061, David Levner 718-897-1448

Sunday, April 30, Horseback Riding, Sweet Hills Stable, Huntington NY
Experience nature in the 900-acreWest Hills County Park on horseback. Although your horse may not be Mr. Ed, you can definitely talk to your horse and tune into his/her personality. Only $20 an hour or $25 for private groups. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 23.

Anne Gruber 212-873-5454

May 5-7, North/South Lake State Park, Haines Falls NY
Join us at North/South Lake on the day that it opens. This is one of the most popular parks in NYS because of its challenging trails with great views. Bring your bicycle. The Escarpment Trail that leads to Kaaterskill Falls starts in the park. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 28.

Renee Bash 212-362-1202, Masada Disenhouse 718-638-3645

Saturday, May 13, Birthday Celebration at a Comedy Club, Manhattan
We're going to laugh our age, aches, pains and wrinkles away tonight while we celebrate CG's one and only Non-Dictator's 37th birthday. "Laughter crowds tension out of our lives, brings worry to a halt, and gives the personality a chance to stretch." (Mary Pettibone Poole) So come join us on this special day. Cover charge and 2 drink minimum. NO CALLS BEFORE MAY 6.

Shiffie Sapatkin 516-377-0969

May 19-21, Hither Hills State Park, Montauk, NY
Open your senses to the sounds and smells of the Atlantic Ocean while we camp on the Montauk Peninsula. We can walk along nature trails, hike among the wild berries in the woods, fish or just sunbathe on the beach. Groceries, breakfast, lunch and dinner specials available at a general store. Restrooms and showers also available. NO CALLS BEFORE MAY 12.

Glenn Moeller & Madeleine Dorval 718-789-3651

May 26-29 (Memorial Day Weekend), High Point State Park, Sussex, NJ
We'll celebrate peace and recognize our war veterans at one of our favorite campgrounds. Swim, boat, fish, hike the Appalachian Trail, ride your mountain bike or just say hello to the friendly black bears. Enjoy the view from the highest point in the State of New Jersey. Pit toilets on the site, showers and flush toilets at the lake. Quiet hours are 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. Limited to 30 people. NO CALLS BEFORE MAY 19.

Susan Kohn 212-226-0443, Brian Ribner 718-253-3063

June 9-11, Stokes State Forest, Branchville NJ
We're returning to shady Group Site H. This park has many hiking trails including six miles of the Appalachian Trail. You can also swim, boat and fish. There are great views from the top of Sunrise Mountain and in the Tillman Ravine Natural Area. Toilets at the site but no showers. Limited to 25 people. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 2.

John Waters 718-626-1133, Kim Miller 718-875-0883

June 23-25, Jenny Jump State Forest, Hope, NJ
This park is not very well known, and we'd like to keep it that way. We've reserved a group site for 30 people. Hike or bicycle in the park, or swim at the nearby Mohican Outdoor Center. An astronomical observatory within the park will be open on Saturday night. Hot showers and flush toilets. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 16.

Alvin Chin 718-672-8913, Neysa Linzer 917-444-0283

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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