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Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 2007-2008

Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 2007-2008

Winter is here! Hooray! Most people don't react that way to winter, but to Campers' Group, winter means more fun events, both outside and in. We'll be hiking, of course, and if there's snow, we will be snowshoeing and cross-country skiing! Afterward, we'll sip hot cocoa, tell stories, or maybe play games (brush up on your Scrabble words). We will also be throwing a party, going to plays, and having our annual meeting, plus anything else our energetic and fun-loving members think up and organize. Join us!

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, contact Denise at or Ken at and type "campers group" in the subject. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the trip or event. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.

Tuesday, December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan NY
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18 OR AFTER 9 PM ON DECEMBER 24.
Hiram 212-813-2378
Saturday, January 19, Day Trip, Fahnestock Winter Park, Carmel NY
Glide, stumble, or snowshoe along nine miles of groomed trails for a day or weekend x-country ski trip. Or just slide down a hill on an inner tube. Rental equipment, lessons and warming huts available. Fahnestock is close to NYC, so you can come for one day or stay and make a weekend trip out of it. You can reserve a room at the comfortable Countryside Motel 10 miles away. $69 for a one queen-bed room, $85 for two double beds, $145 for a two bedroom suite for four people per night. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 11.
Theresa 917-836-7003
Harry 917-715-1060
Saturday, February 2, Potluck House Party, Queens NY
Let's embrace the season of winter together at Athmane's pad for a potluck dinner. Bring your warming spirit with a dish, dessert or drink to share. Time 6 pm. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 26.
Athmane 917-378-4677
Saturday, February 9, Night Out, Off-Off-Off Broadway, Manhattan NY
We don't have to stay home to keep warm - we'll hit good ol' NYC, for a night at the theater. We'll find a popular or well reviewed Off or Off-Off Broadway show to warm our cold hands and feet and perhaps draw a smile a tear or laugh together. Top the night off telling us what you thought of the play over some hot drinks and dessert. Play suggestions will be accepted three weeks in advance. CALL THE TRIP LEADERS to put in your suggestion NO EARLIER THAN JANUARY 18TH.
Mylene 718-274-1160
David G. 914-833-2557
February 15-17, Cabin Trip, North Country Ski Weekend, Upper Jay NY
Enjoy all winter sports and a comfortable motel in the Adirondacks. Nearby Lake Placid has indoor and outdoor ice-skating rinks; go to the Olympic Sports Complex or Cascade for x-country skiing; Whiteface Mountain for downhill skiing. All equipment can be rented, and you can purchase lessons. Or you can climb one of the Adirondack High Peaks. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 1.
Sule 718-996-5149
David L. 718-897-1448
Sunday, March 2, Annual Meeting, Brooklyn NY
Help us formulate our one-year plan for 2008. How can we progress, create new trips and attract new members? Please attend, all opinions welcome! Members only. If you have led a trip within the last year, then your meal will be paid by Campers' Group. Located near public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 24.
Janice 347-426-4601
Saturday, March 15, Day Hike, Harriman State Park, Orange County NY
If you want to keep fit and warm during the winter, bundle up to a moderately strenuous hike in Harriman State Park. Hiking boots and at least two liters of water a must. Bring lunch, snacks and a warm, hearty disposition. Public transportation available. Meet in the parking lot of the former Red Apple restaurant on Route 17 in Southfields at 10:00 am. NO CALLS BEFORE MARCH 7.
Chet 732-317-2933
March 28-30, Cabin Trip, Tyler Hostel, Newtown PA
Join us for a weekend at a comfortable youth hostel in Tyler State Park. You can hike, bicycle, or ride horses. Close to New Hope and Peddler's Village. The hostel is a converted farmhouse that was built before the American Revolution; it contains an old-fashioned fireplace, a large fully-equipped kitchen, a modern heating system, and bathrooms with showers and flush toilets. Just outside the hostel is a sycamore tree that is older than the building. NO CALLS BEFORE MARCH 21.
Suzanne 201-232-5843
Denise 718-636-4900 x115


  Caretaker              David Levner      718-897-1448
  Trip Organizer         Denise Drossos
  Outdoors Consultant    Ken Quartarone

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