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Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2004

Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2004

Fall is arriving with its multi-colored leaves, shorter days and crisper nights. And we welcome the return of Orion the Hunter to our northern skies. We have camping trips, hikes and a cabin trip planned, in addition to our annual Chinese banquet. Dress warmly, and I hope to see you on the trail.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the trip or event. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


September 17-19, Burlingame State Park, Charlestown RI
Near the ocean, criss-crossed with hiking trails, join us for one last summer weekend. The ocean is still warm enough to swim in. We'll share the park with rabbits, muskrat, mink, red fox, river otters, raccoons and weasels, and watch the birds by the 1000-acre Watchaug Pond. Hot showers and flush toilets. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 10.
Brian Ribner 203-743-9405  David Glass 914-833-2557

October 8-11, Cabin Trip, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Cross River NY
Camp in the largest county park in Westchester (4,700 acres). You can bicycle on the park's roads, hike the trails or ride a horse. The Trailside Museum has specimen animals, native American artifacts and an exhibit about the Leatherman. A nearby garden contains over 100 varieties of wildflowers. If Saturday night is clear, a local astronomy club will set up telescopes for star-gazing. Each campsite has a lean-to with a fireplace. You can sleep in the lean-to, pitch your tent nearby or just visit for the day. The bathrooms have toilets but no showers. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 1.

Lana Weinmann 516-641-2355  Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

Saturday October 23, Day Hike, Fort Tilden, Queens
Take a walk along the bay and see this historic former military base. You'll see the huge guns that were intended to protect N.Y. City from German invaders during World War II and still point out into the harbor. Those interested can participate in a fun experiment in which we will collect trash and measure its recyclable content. Public transportation available. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 16.

Rachel Friend 718-633-4181

Saturday November 6, Chinese Banquet, Manhattan
The food was so good last year that we're returning again to the Vegetarian Paradise restaurant in Chinatown. Bring photos, bear stories, and ideas for winter and spring events. To thank the people who have organized our trips during the last year, the meal will be free for anyone who has led and went on a successful weekend or day trip since November 2003. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 31.

Murray Bernstein 718-638-6496

November 19-21, Tyler Hostel, Newtown PA
Join us for a weekend at a comfortable youth hostel in Tyler State Park. You can hike, bicycle, or ride horses. Close to New Hope and Peddler's Village. The hostel contains a large fully equipped kitchen, an old-fashioned fireplace, a modern heating system and bathrooms. $15.00 per night. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 12.

Rachel Isaacs 718-447-8403  David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday December 4, Day Hike, Eagle Rock Reservation, West Orange NJ
This substantial (408-acre) tract of wooded land is on the crest of Watchung's First Mountain, where bald eagles once nested. The 3.5 miles of trails wind through a red oak forest and a red maple wetland. Meet at noon at the 9/11 Memorial at Lookout Point. Accessible by public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 27.

Geoff Gove 917-370-6400

Friday December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18 OR AFTER 9 PM ON DECEMBER 24.

Hiram Jacobs 212-813-2378

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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