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Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2002

Campers' Group Bulletin - Fall 2002

After a hot, hot summer, the cooler days of fall will be a relief. The bugs will be gone, the leaves will turn a thousand colors, and we'll all huddle around the campfire for warmth and companionship at night. Best of all, most of the summer's campers will have packed away their tents leaving the campgrounds uncrowded for us.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the weekend. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374. To reserve a space on our cabin trips, you should also mail your check to this address.


September 20-22, North/South Lake State Park, Haines Falls NY
Take in some early fall foliage at one of the most popular campgrounds in NY State. In addition to the lakes for which the park is named, there are numerous hiking trails leading into the surrounding mountains. Some of the trails are rugged and require endurance, but you will be rewarded with spectacular views. One of these trails, the Escarpment Trail goes to Kaaterskill Falls. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 13.
Renee Bash 212-362-1202  Mike Yukowic 845-255-3990 or

October 11-14, Worthington State Forest, Columbia NJ
Camp with us in the Delaware Water Gap by the Delaware River. Hikers can climb the Appalachian Trail to Sunfish Pond, an unspoiled glacial lake, or visit the nearby Mohican Outdoor Center. Chemical toilets by the lake, and showers in another part of the park. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 4.

David Levner 718-897-1448

Saturday October 26, Floyd Bennett Field/Dead Horse Bay Outing, Brooklyn NY
Otters in Brooklyn? Hike the trails, visit the community gardens or the exhibits at Ryan Visitor Center, ride your bike around the abandoned air force runways. Bring a bag lunch. Meet at Ryan Visitor Center at 11 AM. Accessible by public transportation. Rain date is Sunday October 27. NO CALLS BEFORE OCTOBER 19.

Rachel Friend 718-633-4181

Saturday November 16, Chinese Banquet, Manhattan
Because of the rave reviews that our members gave to the Vegetarian Paradise restaurant in Chinatown last year, we're going back there again this year. Bring photos, bear stories, and ideas for winter and spring events. To thank the people who have organized our trips during the last year, the meal will be free for anyone who has led and went on a successful weekend or day trip since November 2001. Please call between November 9 and November 14. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 9.

Alan Sills 973-812-9365

November 22-24, Cabin Trip, Tyler State Park, Newton PA
Join us for a relaxing weekend in a comfortable youth hostel in Tyler State Park. You can hike, bicycle, or ride horses. Close to New Hope and Peddler's Village. The hostel contains a large fully equipped kitchen, an old-fashioned fireplace, a modern heating system and bathrooms. $14.00 per night, limited to 10 people. NO CALLS BEFORE NOVEMBER 15.

Greg & Christine Monseliu 212-353-1043

Sunday December 8, Ice-Skating at Wollman Rink, Manhattan
Do you feel like you are going backwards? Then join us and we'll go backwards together on skates at Wollman Rink in Central Park. Or if you prefer to go round and round in circles, you can do that too. We hope to avoid the crowds by meeting at 1:30 PM. Bring a combination lock if you have one. Dinner afterwards. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 1.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.

Hiram Jacobs 212-813-2378

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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