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Campers' Group Bulletin - Spring 2001

Campers' Group Bulletin - Spring 2001

Awakened by the lengthening days, a blade of grass struggles to break through the cold dirt on the forest floor. Sunlight unobstructed by summer leaves reaches the tiny blade giving it energy and hope. At the same time, the rising temperatures draw campers back to their favorite sites like new shoots drawn to an opening in the forest canopy where an old tree died during the winter. All living things emerge from their dens to explore the woods anew in the crisp spring days, and they huddle together around the campfire at night. Celebrate with us the rebirth of spring! Go camping!

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders no later than the Wednesday before the trip. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448. To go on a camping trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the campsite. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


March 23-25, Cabin Trip, Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry PA
Hiking and environmental education at this wooded preserve (formerly Honeymoon Haven) in the Delaware National Recreation Area. We've reserved an hour at the indoor pool, so bring your bathing suit. Two nights lodging and five meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch) for $115/person. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 23.
Bruni Torras & Carlos Ramirez 212-995-1728

Sunday, April 8, Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, NY
Meet to plan our agenda for the coming year. How many summer camping trips should we have in 2001? Where should we go? What should we do about July 4th which falls on a Wednesday this year? How can we attract new members? We need your opinion! Members only. Located near public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 1.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

Saturday April 21, Walk in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Queens, NY
The birds are back! Of course some never left, but many are flying north to their summer homes. Some of the weary travelers come down for a rest stop in Jamaica Bay; they waddle in the tall grass, eat a fish or two, and stare at the humans. We'll do our best to amuse them and ourselves in the only federal wildlife preserve in New York City. Bring a bag lunch and binoculars if you own a pair. Accessible by public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 14.

Alvin Chin 718-672-8913

April 27-29, Camping Trip, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Cross River, NY
For our first camping trip of 2001, we'll visit the largest county park in Westchester (4,700 acres). You can bicycle on the park's roads, hike the trails or ride a horse. The Trailside Museum has specimen animals, native American artifacts and minerals. A nearby garden contains over 100 varieties of wildflowers. The campground has lean-tos with fireplaces. You can sleep in the lean-to, pitch your tent nearby or just visit for the day. The bathrooms have toilets but no showers. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 20.

David Levner 718-897-1448

May 6, Day Hike, Storm King Mountain, Cornwall, NY
This mountain, at the southern end of the Hudson Highlands, was saved in 1980 by environmental activists from becoming the home of the world's largest pumped storage power plant. Enjoy great views of the Catskills and the Hudson Valley on a moderately strenuous hike--wear hiking boots, bring water and a hearty lunch. Hat and sunscreen recommended. Seven miles, 1200-foot elevation gain, 5-6 hours. NO CALLS BEFORE APRIL 29.

Masada Disenhouse 718-855-2263

May 18-20, Camping Trip, North/South Lake State Park, Haines Falls, NY

We're going early in the season to one of the most popular campgrounds in NY State. In addition to the lakes for which the park is named, there are numerous hiking trails leading into the surrounding mountains. Some of the trails are rugged and require endurance, but you will be rewarded with spectacular views. One of these trails, the Escarpment Trail goes to Kaaterskill Falls. Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE MAY 11.

Anna Cline 201-792-1210  Masada Disenhouse 718-855-2263

May 25-28, Jenny Jump State Forest, Hope, NJ

Shhh! This park is not very well known, and we'd like to keep it that way. We've reserved a group site for 30 people. Hike or bicycle in the park, or swim at the nearby Mohican Outdoor Center. An astronomical observatory within the park will be open on Saturday night. Hot showers and flush toilets. NO CALLS BEFORE MAY 19.

Kirsten Andersen 914-923-9428  Chet Trotman 718-421-7370

June 8-10, Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison, CT
After a 15-year absence, Campers' Group returns to this park on the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound. A two-mile strip along the water includes beaches, fields and salt marshes. You can hike, bicycle, swim, boat, fish (mackerel, blackfish, striped bass, cod, weakfish), and watch birds (hawks, snowy egrets, herons and terns). Flush toilets and hot showers. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 1.

Rhonda Siegel 212-996-7536  Barbara Haug 718-369-1061

Saturday June 23, Mermaid Parade, Coney Island, NY
Calling all mermaids, mermen, merchildren, and mercampers: join the Campers' Group contingent to march in the Mermaid Parade. Dress up in a nautical costume (Neptunes, fish-people, sailors and boats are acceptable in addition to traditional merpeople). The rain date is June 24. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 16.

Kim Miller 718-875-0883

Help Us Solve the July 4, 2001 Conundrum
July 4th falls on a Wednesday this year. We haven't decided whether to book a campsite for a really, really, really long weekend or to ignore the holiday and just reserve for a normal Friday-Saturday-Sunday trip. If we plan for a looooong weekend, should it start on the previous weekend and go to July 4th, or should it start on July 4th and go to the next weekend? What do you think? If you have an opinion (and I know you do), please call one of us.

David Levner 718-897-1448  Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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